Happy Anniversary

While I began sharing my thoughts online way back in 2003, today marks the six-year anniversary of my first post to the ParentheticalPolitics iteration of my blog. Although there have been periods of sparse activity (and there will undoubtedly be more), the blog has seen a ponderous plethora of published political posts.  A copious cornucopia of conceptual compositions.  A lyrical litany of lightly alliterative literature.

Okay, I’m done now.

As noted in my introductory post, the blog’s primary purpose has always been to provide myself with a necessary outlet as the world revolves and evolves around me.  The fact that others have bothered to read my ruminations will forever amaze and amuse me.  I greatly appreciate all of the feedback (both positive and negative!) that I’ve received from my readers through the years.

Thank you.

One housekeeping note:  In the near future, I may be changing the means by which notification emails are sent out upon the publication of new posts.  I use a WordPress plugin to handle that task and it has proven to be problematic at times (as many of you have noted).  I will thus attempt to find a better replacement.  Fair warning that you may get duplicate notifications as I make the necessary changes.